Aug 12, 2009

Off the class!

BARC training school-2001

Nuclear Chemical Engineering or NC paper was like just another trivial event except that it was related little bit more to Chemical Engineering with whom I slept straight four years. May be because of that obligation, I was somehow worked up for the paper. No! I didn’t burn my midnight oil for that which I promised not to spend like a spendthrift in this institution. I was just on time to have my breakfast downstairs unlike other days when I had to rush to bus with half bread hanging out of mouth like an unsupported cantilever beam. Hi Subhasish! How’s the preparation, Sachin Rastogi inquired beamingly. It meant he was awake all night for this bullshit paper and prepared everything possible leaving nothing to the remotest imagination of the paper-setter to trap him! Great, I tried to be serious just to see expression on his face. Did you work up all the problems that Professor Puranik handed out in the last lecture? What! This time I had the boomerang lashing on my face. But like other similar occasions when I stood the same, I didn’t react. Ya, they’re done, working hard to wipe off the tinge of frustrations from shimmering wrinkles that unknowingly took possessions on my face. Screwed up again! Where I was when these were being distributed? I couldn’t resist my anger on the half torn jammed bread and flung it on the plate. It tasted like leather and so was the day.

The paper is an easy one, assured Mr Puranik distributing papers in the class. You would find whatever we’ve discussed. It’s going to be tough like hell then, I murmured, I had never been a part of those elitist discussion in the class at all. Don’t get scared, I patted on my shoulder virtually. If I don’t serve as a base, what basis these smart guys would have to build up scientific miracles! Stopper once again, I was sure even before scribbling when I saw three problems each of 8 marks are to be worked out at the last section of the paper. Sachin must be at top of the world, I guessed. He probably had been mentioning these problems in the morning. I looked around and found everybody head-drowned into the paper as if something delicious had been served. Everybody was at top of the world, I believed, given that the speed with which they were venturing page after page rapaciously was not an eye wash. Everything tasted bitter. It was not an unusual event to me at all throughout the year in this institute. I got accustomed to many things that I hardly tasted earlier. Incessant flow of irrelevant thoughts and NCE halted abruptly when Mr. Puranik announced Time is up. My pen stopped like a trained dog and to my surprise, I managed to scribble three pages. Mr. Puranik collected the papers in a hurry so that no one uses extra time. I'd try to finish these up in two weeks time. Mr. Puranik was determined to see the outcome of his teaching capability. He would really be bogged down with my answer sheet, I felt pity for him. Rajnish was still writing as fast as he could hoping to work out few more marks. How much he would manage to milk in last few cursed seconds, I wondered. But people do not leave the opportunity of extracting last few drops of juice out of hardly recognizable skeleton of sugar cane bunch either! How was the paper! A scintillating Mousumi could not resist herself to throw that shrapnel at me. Definitely she had done it nicely. Some people are really bad enough to show up at wrong time at wrong place with wrong person. Don’t ask me any invalid question. I threw up an irritating look and left.

Is there any Subhasish in Chemical dept? The clerk at TSH reception table asked from behind when I was heading to ground floor lift after my regular campus stroll at ~ 10 pm. Huh! It’s me eventually, wondering what he had to tell me that too at this time. Mr. Puranik wanted you to meet him, he left his telephone number with a message for you to meet him tomorrow at 10 am in the morning at CEL – 5, he handed over a torn piece of paper with a telephone number written on it. I was completely baffled. It was almost two weeks since his paper and answer sheets were still pending for distribution in the class. I must have shattered his impression and I now owe him a good scold. But why is he calling me at his office? Even if I did miserably in his paper, he could have washed it off just by a disgusting glare at me while distributing the answer sheets. Did he say anything? I was anxious. Just wanted you to see him, the clerk surfaced from the unfathomed depth of Maharastra Times. He doesn’t have any clue but me neither. Thanks anyway, I headed towards the lift. The clerk was lost in the pool of news by then unaware of that I thanked him. Sometimes, it is a relief to be lost in something that has little to do with than something around that has to do a lot. My Saturday was gone; I cursed myself reaching my room. Weekends were special to me. I couldn’t sacrifice them for some good for nothing reasons. There should be some time which you need to keep in your possessions spending them at your own will and way. Now I’ve to listen to some indigestible lectures for hours in the morning, I grumbled. I didn’t have any plan by any luck to waste my Saturday morning under this head. Who cares! I flopped down on my chair and turn on the FM. Sweet melody of saxophone filled the room. It was Kenny G, my savior who brought me in symphony out of numerous cacophony that hauled around almost all the time.

I was not late reaching CEL-5 in the morning. It took around 20 minutes from North Gate by walking. In weekends, the environment inside this part of the campus is terribly peaceful. People enjoy the benefits of being government employee to the fullest on weekends. Barely people are visible except few countable on fingers who are either still in illusion that they could change the stand of India in global platform by their innovative research or those who dutifully attend library to impress boss as a part of job which is otherwise difficult to manage in weekdays. It was so quiet inside that I could distinctly hear the chirping of birds and even the rattling sound of falling leaves around. Perhaps I’m the only soul in this marooned place this morning, I couldn’t help cursing myself. The CEL-5 laboratory had an awful look. It simply looked like a haunted house even in the morning. Terribly old and distinguishably shabby! This laboratory boastfully houses big honchos from Training School, I heard. I felt pity for it for violating the tradition this morning!

I had to wait for sometime at the second floor corridor before Mr Puranik arrived hastily with Mr. Ajit Mahendra, discussing something very much abstract. Though busy, Mr. Puranik gestured to me to have a seat in his room. The discussion went on. Mr. Ajit Mahendra was trying to explain specialty of a solver which would minimize the time required for iterations. Suddenly Mr. Mahendra turned his head towards me most probably trying to reason my very much physical presence in their abstract discussion. “What are you doing here?”, he hardly could suppress his exasperation. “Sir called me.”, I could not be more indifferent. “He left some of the questions in my paper. I thought to give him a second chance”, Mr. Puranik intervened. “Sir is great. Utilize this opportunity to lift yourself”, Mr. Mahendra was always perfect at hitting bull’s eye. “Ajit, I’ll discuss this in detail with you later”, Mr. Puranik stood up. “Ok Sir. Try to be more attentive boy”, Mr.Mahendra left the room swinging the door behind.

Things were clearer to me. “Subhasish, I checked your answer script. You simply did not attempt the last few problems. Why it’s so? Didn’t have you enough time or didn’t you prepare well for the paper?” he pulled out my paper from the drawer. “Time was not an issue sir, neither the preparation. I didn’t feel like working them out”, I replied somewhat indifferently. “Why? Is there any problem?”, he could not suppress his curiosity. “Nothing in particular sir, just don’t like much these continuous classes and rat race type exams”, I first time got an opportunity to vomit out the annoyance inside which was long overdue. “See that’s how the system works. Keep yourself happy by doing other activities to divert your mind from getting overloaded. You get reasonable amount of stipend with which you can enjoy movie, good foods in the restaurant outside. All these would help you to concentrate more on the studies.”, Mr Puranik looked eagerly at me to gauge my reaction. “Yes Sir”, I didn’t attempt to explain further. It’s not of much use to discuss on something unless both stand on the same platform. One can either pull other up or down to equalize his own stand point. I dropped the idea of doing anything except keeping silence. “I went through your answer sheet and found few of the answers interesting. It seems that you know the subject but somehow were not keen enough to complete the paper. I thought you need some punishment for not being attentive and punishment is that you would complete all the left out problems now here itself”, Mr Puranik gave his verdict and looked at me expecting my wordless loyalty to his out of the world offer. My batch mates back at TSH would have died if they come to know this; I was trying really hard to conceal a laughter outburst. How much these tiny marks would help me to climb the unfathomed depth where I’ve already submerged! “This won’t be fair sir. I can’t take credit of performing in the paper off the class,” I tried to show my ethics at my best. “’Don’t worry on that ground. And you are compensating by completing all the problems which were optional in the paper. Do them. Here’s the calculator”, Mr. Puranik stood up. “There’s no time limit however be exam spirited to finish them in one hour time. Keep the paper in my drawer once you are done. All the best.”, he walked off the cabin.

Sometimes we do things which are important to us, sometimes we do things which ain’t important to us, sometimes we do things which others think important to us nevertheless it’s not, nonetheless it’s complicated to understand and make others understood too. I spent one hour in the third quadrant and left the door flying behind to drink the left out weekend to the lees.

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