Mar 3, 2010


With some leisure and state of mind to spend time on action less thoughts, I tried to figure out on couple of occasions how to vent out the situational steam that generates with whatsoever reason on almost every occasion owing to unavoidable ever complicating relationships around, given the situation that we need to follow up certain social gestures.

It's a constrained optimization problem, I somehow figured out with a subtle realization that the feasible region for solution of this problem unquestionably contracts as we work on to act in a more civilized way. Is there always an unwritten constitution that we need to adhere to the way others always expect us to do how tiny might be the domain of concern? Can't we just release these stress at our own will that somebody else has dumped on us ruthlessly?

"Ignorance is bliss when you do not know something"......I somehow doubted the adage for some uncanny reasons......what about if it's not abstract algebra which may be a potential domain of ignorance but a visible, tangible and willfully ignorance of a trivia. I observed one of my friends to shout suddenly with a sarcastic face making and upon asking why did he do that, he benignly said he just released "fission products"!

Looks weird? I ignored his attribute of looking at it may be because I didn't buy that idea or I had less vision to understand his view point nonetheless if someone could stretch his imagination enough beyond the sensible horizon, there may be a probability of gaining divine eye sight that allows to feel that mass of human patience slowly decays like the heavy atoms, and fission product of stress accumulates, and coming back to real world again,when this accumulation crosses the threshold limit of humbleness, something erupts!!

Again it baffles me what kind of eruption is better..... an implosion or explosion! Going back to the root of our culture that explicitly teaches us to be tolerant to whatever be the situation, an implosion seems to be more culture oriented approach however never witnessed it around.
And the latter one we do not need to exaggerate's pretty ubiquitous.

I still remember the gentleman who benignly advised me on one occasion this art of living...
"The first thing that you need to do after entering the office... shout at all your sub-ordinates...why?? because someone else above you will do that anyway...and that was again anyway the dutifully paid EMI of what you swallowed yesterday evening before leaving the not keep any debt..interest rate of such principal compounds exponentially....we all need to survive right!"

On a deeper note he additionally advised upon my humble question of "if it's not possible then?" go for a long drive in lone countryside and tear off the silence of valley with a soul deep shout!!

1 comment:

  1. mass of human patience slowly decays like the heavy atoms, and fission product of stress accumulates...... too good a figurative use
